Page name: Bums in the line up [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-01-21 18:13:17
Last author: Teufelsweib
Owner: sequeena_rae
# of watchers: 5
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Bums in the line up

And that as they say, is the crème de la crème of stupidity.

This idea comes from a combination of three things. My sanity (which is debated amongst all the top Psychologists), All Pinkies, and a random house where I found a picture of someone's arse.

So err...What's the point?
Weeeelll the point is to take a photo of your arse. Not a naked arse, good God that will give me nightmares for the rest of my days. Just your arse in a piece of clothing will do.

But why?
Because I am a mod and regularly come up with stupid ideas like this. Now, be a good minion and do it!

Who are you?
[sequeena_rae] of course :D

It's the Squee's bum of doom in the line up and reporting for duty! Lmaoooo! [sequeena_rae]

She died, but her bum remains xD [starry_bellend]

Shield your eyes, children! It's Atay's buttocks! xD [Atayemi]

from left to right: [Teufelsweib], Irmhild, [evil beavle], [Iuna], [Skiizow]. enjoy it! XD

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2007-01-21 [starry_bellend]: Om pissing self!!

2007-01-21 [sequeena_rae]: This is an insane piece of shit XD

2007-01-21 [Atayemi]: Oh God..xD!

2007-01-21 [sequeena_rae]: Atay! You will do this! Do it damnit! XD

2007-01-21 [starry_bellend]: Lmaoo you'll have to picture my sweet arse tomorrow Sar lmao!

2007-01-21 [sequeena_rae]: I shall do! Lmaoooo! *insane*

2007-01-21 [starry_bellend]: *goes red*

2007-01-21 [sequeena_rae]: Oh what the fuck ev lmao!

2007-01-21 [starry_bellend]: Om come on!! We want bums!!

2007-01-21 [sequeena_rae]: Lmao! Om aggressive being aren't you? xD I have one of you that will do for now XP

2007-01-21 [sequeena_rae]: Or at least I thought I did LMAO!

2007-01-21 [starry_bellend]: Lmaoo what are you doing with pics of my arse!! Om perv!

2007-01-21 [sequeena_rae]: Om not! Om fuck you tea towel girl! XD

2007-01-21 [starry_bellend]: Om dying! Sexy arse though if I do say so myself!

2007-01-21 [sequeena_rae]: Rawr on that arse of yours lmao

2007-01-21 [starry_bellend]: *cowers* ENOUGH!! PLEASE!!

2007-01-21 [sequeena_rae]: Thought that would shut you up lmao xD

2007-01-21 [starry_bellend]: Om beat me down at every opportunity!! Lmao!

2007-01-21 [sequeena_rae]: It's the way of a mod mun xP

2007-01-21 [starry_bellend]: Om orite then om forgiven lmao

2007-01-21 [sequeena_rae]: Yay! :D *pounce*

2007-01-21 [starry_bellend]: Omgot that jacket on today lmfao!

2007-01-21 [Atayemi]: I wiiiiiiill. :P

2007-01-21 [sequeena_rae]: Have you?? *psychic*

Omg atay! YAY!

2007-01-21 [Atayemi]: W00t. :D

2007-01-21 [sequeena_rae]: ^_____________^

2007-01-21 [Atayemi]: Uploading. xD!

2007-01-21 [sequeena_rae]: OMG!!!

2007-01-21 [Atayemi]: Lmfao!

2007-01-21 [sequeena_rae]: Lmao! I love you atay! XD

2007-01-21 [Atayemi]: Aaah I'm loved! :D

2007-01-21 [sequeena_rae]: That arse is the shit! XD

2007-01-21 [Atayemi]: Lmfao, you can zoom! XD!!!!!!!

2007-01-21 [sequeena_rae]: Omg! *is not a perv* Nyah xD

2007-01-21 [Atayemi]: XD!

2007-01-21 [sequeena_rae]: I'm loving the belt though :o

2007-01-21 [Atayemi]: Haha thanks. xD
It was just a cheapo one to be honest. 3 quid! :O

2007-01-21 [sequeena_rae]: Who gives a shit, I wouldn't pay more than a fiver for a belt anyway XP

2007-01-21 [Atayemi]: Me neither. xD
I'd just buy a pair of trousers with loads of buttons anyways, or a pair that came with a belt. :P

2007-01-21 [sequeena_rae]: That's a good idea xD

2007-01-21 [Atayemi]: Yep!
W00t, Saw 2 is on YouTube! I watched the first one last night. XD

2007-01-21 [sequeena_rae]: Youtube? I thought you could only upload videos that are like, ten minutes long to there...

2007-01-21 [Atayemi]: It's in parts. *nods*
I watched Click too, this morning.

2007-01-21 [sequeena_rae]: Oh, that makes sense lmao.

2007-01-21 [Atayemi]: XD Yeps :P

2007-01-21 [sequeena_rae]: I never knew you could do that >.>

2007-01-21 [Atayemi]: Really? can if you rip the film from a dvd then upload it in 8 minute parts or something. :P

2007-01-21 [sequeena_rae]: Sounds kinky XP

2007-01-21 [Atayemi]: XD!! Uploading a film is kinky?

2007-01-21 [sequeena_rae]: It is in my eyes xP

2007-01-21 [Atayemi]: XD!! You dirty minded child!

2007-01-21 [sequeena_rae]: You're only just figuring that out? XP

2007-01-21 [Atayemi]: Nah, I knew the first time we spoke. *lmao* XD!

2007-01-21 [sequeena_rae]: Good God, am I really that transparent? XD

2007-01-21 [Atayemi]: It seems so! xD

2007-01-21 [sequeena_rae]: Fuck ._.

2007-01-21 [Atayemi]: XD Aww

2007-01-21 [Teufelsweib]: did you see the pic on [Skiizow]'s house?:P

2007-01-21 [sequeena_rae]: SQUEEVORK! OM I WANT YOUR BABIES! *rape* XD!!!!!!!!!!

2007-01-21 [Teufelsweib]: XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes, we're fans of ass pics too :P
[Skiizow] has a whole collage of pics of my ass :P

2007-01-21 [starry_bellend]: Omg did they all have the picture specially for this lmaooo??

2007-01-21 [sequeena_rae]: Om wanting it squeevork! Damn you I want to see ARSE! XD

2007-01-21 [sequeena_rae]: Om not knowing lmao

2007-01-21 [Atayemi]: I did. xD

2007-01-21 [starry_bellend]: Lmaooo *applauds*

2007-01-21 [Atayemi]: XD *bows*

2007-01-21 [Teufelsweib]: no, it's a picture that we took a few weeks ago at school, but it's like it has been made specially for this!!! XD
I shall take more arse pics *spamming wiki* XD

2007-01-21 [starry_bellend]: Your ideas are getting worse SAR! Whatever next pictures of *****'S !!!!!!!

2007-01-21 [Teufelsweib]: reminds me of some other rediculous wiki of mine.. I LOVE YOU!!! :P

2007-01-21 [sequeena_rae]: Om not taking photos of orifices Lisa so get that dirty thought out of your head lmaoooooo!!!!

2007-01-21 [starry_bellend]: Lmaooo !! Om dirty minded slag. Om saying faces's lmaoo!

2007-01-21 [sequeena_rae]: Oh what the fuck ev lmao

2007-01-21 [starry_bellend]: Om not lying!! Lmfao! Om turning this one round on you lmfao!

2007-01-21 [sequeena_rae]: Om don't you dare you bastard! XD

2007-01-21 [starry_bellend]: Ooops my bad! WHEN I WAS YOUNG IT SEEMS THAT LIFE WAS SO WONDERFUL! A MIRACLE!

2007-01-21 [sequeena_rae]: *moshes* Scooter is the fucking GOD!

2007-01-21 [starry_bellend]: MARIA BELIEVE ME I LIKE IT LOUD!!
Omg ini :P

2007-01-21 [Teufelsweib]: Maria..? :P

2007-01-21 [sequeena_rae]: *dance*


XD lmao squeevork, not the maria xD

2007-01-21 [starry_bellend]: Lmaoo! The song lol :P

2007-01-21 [Atayemi]: Ave Maria? O.o'

2007-01-21 [Teufelsweib]: I was already thinking, you were talking about that second degree catholic maria then? :P

2007-01-21 [starry_bellend]: Not quite lmao this maria has a harsher lifestyle hitting the dancefloor several times a week by the sounds of her!

2007-01-21 [sequeena_rae]: Lmao! Oh indeed!

And Lisa, you know the bit 'Yeah, we need some posse'? Sounds very wrong lmao

2007-01-21 [starry_bellend]: Lamoo your telling me!Om loving chates they are lmao

2007-01-21 [sequeena_rae]: *dying* It's just so bad xD

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